Consultoría inmobiliaria para inversores no estadounidenses
Servimos a inversores no estadounidenses que buscan oportunidades de inversión inmobiliaria en los Estados Unidos, a menudo en relación con el deseo de obtener un permiso de residencia estadounidense. La inversión en efectivo típica varía entre $ 200,000 y $ 20 millones. Tenemos décadas de experiencia seleccionando, comprando, financiando, refinanciando, administrando, arrendando y vendiendo bienes raíces de grado de inversión y oportunidades de inversión relacionadas con bienes raíces en los Estados Unidos.

Property Types
For clarity, please understand that the images shown below are generic pictures. They are shown for the purpose of illustrating categories. These are not properties actually being offered.
Flex Space

Each tenant’s space is improved as either office or warehouse/workshop. This type of property is typically located in the suburbs of an economically healthy mid-sized city
Low-rise Office Building

This type of building often contains multiple tenants renting small spaces. The most desirable low-rise office buildings are located adjacent to major traffic arteries in the suburbs of an economically healthy mid-sized city.
Multi-family Building
Multi-family properties typically contain 12 to 120 units. They are often located within or in the close-in suburbs of an economically healthy mid-sized city
Small Warehouse
Warehouses suitable for this type of investment range in size from 2,000 to 10,000 square meters and are located in the suburbs of an economically healthy mid-sized city
Single Family Home

A palatial home: This category of investment provides poor periodic income but is often invested in for either or both of family reasons or the hope of exceptional appreciation appreciation.